Asian Tapir

Asian Tapir
Hasil gambar untuk tapir asian

Kingdom :Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Mammalia
Order : Perissodactyla
Family : Tapiridae
Genus : Tapirus
Species : Tapirus Indicus

Asian tapir or Tapir asia is one type of tapir. Asian tapirs are the largest of the four types of tapirs and the only ones from Asia. Asian tapirs are easily recognizable from its bright color features from the shoulders to the butt. The feathers on the other side of her body are black except for the tip of her ears that are white like any other type of tapir. This color pattern is useful for color camouflage that makes it not look like a tapir, other animals may think it big rock instead of prey when tapir is lying or sleeping. Asian tapirs grow all the way between 1.8 to 2.4 m, with a height of between 90 to 107 cm. These animals typically weigh between 250 and 320 kg, although some adults can weigh up to 540 kg. Female tapirs are typically larger than the male Asian tapirs. Like other types of tapir tail short fat and long and flexible trunk. On each front of his foot were four nails and on each hind leg there were three nails. Tapir Asia's eyesight is rather bad but its sense of hearing and smell is very sharp.

The gestation period of the Malayan tapir is about 390–395 days, after which a single offspring, weighing around 15 pounds is born. Malayan tapirs are the largest of the five tapir species at birth and grow more quickly than their congeners . Young tapirs of all species have brown hair with white stripes and spots, a pattern that enables them to hide effectively in the dappled light of the forest. This baby coat fades into adult coloration between four and seven months after birth. Weaning occurs between six and eight months of age, at which time the babies are nearly full-grown, and the animals reach sexual maturity around age three. Breeding typically occurs in April, May or June, and females generally produce one calf every two years. Malayan tapirs can live up to 30 years, both in the wild and in captivity.

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